• Inspiring Stories

    An old man meets a young man who asks

    An old man meets a young man who asks: “Do you remember me?” And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, And the teacher asks: “What do you do, what do you do in life?” The young man answers: “Well, I became a teacher.” “ah, how good, like me?” Asks the old man. “Well, yes. In fact, I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you.” The old man, curious, asks the young man at what time he decided to become a teacher. And the young man tells him the following story: “One day, a friend of mine, also…

  • Inspiring Stories

    Why This Dad’s Post About His Daughter’s Tantrum Is Going Viral

    I love this picture. Two totally calm men are waiting for the tantrum of the little girl to pass. The two men are the father and grandfather of the two-year-old girl, who lay on the floor and started Throwing a tantrum in the middle of the mall. Neither of the men loses patience or yells at her. They just wait quietly. They have decided to not give her what she wants – when it doesn’t make sense. Yet they are letting her express her emotions, in this case her anger, at not getting what she wants. Nobody feels embarrassed about the show the little girl is putting on. The father’s…

  • History,  Inspiring Stories

    The 4,000-year-old Al Naslaa Rock 

    Theories abound about the origin of the Al Naslaa rock formation, but the genesis of this massive geological phenomenon is likely to remain a mystery. Located in Saudi Arabia’s Tayma Oasis — the site of Saudi Arabia’s oldest human settlement — Al Naslaa is comprised of twin sandstone rocks, balanced atop naturally formed pedestals — with a smooth gap running vertically between them, so precise it looks as if it was carved with a laser beam. Scientists can’t explain exactly how the 4,000-year-old geological formation was split down the middle, but the side-by-side boulders — each 20 feet (6 meters) tall — have the additional lure of visible petroglyphs that…

  • Inspiring Stories

    Mature super cell thunderstorm

    In west Texas – USA , a storm chaser Laura Rowe captured this fantastic shot of a mature supercell thunderstorm , illuminated at varying heights by the setting sun. A phenomenon rare to occur. While chasing a tornado near the small town of Earth, Texas, earlier this week, amateur photographer Laura Rowe captured this enormous cloud filtered with pastel sunlight. The candy-colored mass swells above the dusky expanse in the midst of a thunderstorm, and as Kottke notes, the serendipitous shot evokes the saturated, trippy swirls in Milton Glaser’s 1966 poster of Bob Dylan. Prints are available on Rowe’s site.

  • Inspiring Stories

    Help Fix Young White Boy’s Broken Bicycle; Photo Goes Viral

    The good samaritan has been praised after coming out of his SUV and helping a boy fix his broken bicycle The man did not mind the rain as he spent about five minutes trying to help the white boy to fix his ride Rare of his kind, his good deed was lauded widely by many people on social who thanked him for his selflessness “I pulled up to the hardware store and watched this take place right in front of me. This guy sees two kids walking in the pouring rain while one is pushing his broken bicycle and he stops everything he is doing and spends 5 minutes getting…

  • Inspiring Stories

    Mark Twain in 1904

    Sam Clemens in 1904, was showing a photograph to a friend, explaining, “the colored man is John T. Lewis, a friend of mine. These many years-thirty-four-in fact. He was my father-in-law’s coachman forty years ago — was many years a farmer of Quarry Farm … I have not known an honester man nor a more respect-worthy one ….” In June, 1963, Edward L. Updegraff, superintendent of Woodlawn Cemetery, responded to an inquiry from the Church of the Brethren in Frederick, Maryland, about John Lewis’ grave: “I am sorry to state that the grave of Mr. Lewis is not marked and the lot is without care ….” John T. Lewis was…

  • Inspiring Stories

    Australia’s extinct giant eagle

    The year is 1959. Speleologists descend a 17-metre shaft to explore the depths of Mairs Cave in the southern Flinders Ranges. Some 55 metres into the main chamber, they find fossils scattered throughout a boulder pile. Among these fossils are a claw and part of a wing bone that appear to have come from a large eagle. Over a decade passes. An expedition to the cave, led by naturalist Hans Mincham and palaeontologist and geologist Brian Daily, now arrives with the purpose of retrieving more fossils. Among the many mammal fossils they recover are another talon and most of a large bird breastbone – from the same large eagle. No…

  • Inspiring Stories

    Charlie Chaplin

    His mother, Hannah – maiden name Hill – was descended from a travelling family. In the 1880s, the Black Patch was a thriving Romany community on the industrial edge of Birmingham. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that Charlie Chaplin was a Gypsy from the West Midlands. Variety first mentioned Charles Chaplin, as he was billed, in his American stage debut, before he had made any films. In 1910, the British-born entertainer was appearing in a revue, “The Wow Wows,” at New York’s Colonial Theater. The review said the 29-minute show was performed in three scenes, describing Chaplin as “typically English,” with a manner that was “quiet and…

  • Inspiring Stories

    He’s my brother

    Sometime in the late 40’s, before either man was famous, Frank Sinatra appeared in a theater in New York. After his show he went to Harlem to see the Will Maston Trio led by a young Sammy Davis Jr. Frank is blown away by Sammy’s talent and after the show he asks Sammy to come see his show. A week goes by. No Sammy. Sinatra goes back to Harlem to see the Will Maston Trio again and asks Sammy why he didn’t show. Sammy said he was there but they wouldn’t let him in. Frank stormed back to the theater, tore up his contract in front of them, and never…

  • image-12
    Inspiring Stories

    Brave Boy Proudly Embraces Scar After Saving Sister from Vicious Dog Attack

    Once upon a time, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, there lived a 6-year-old boy named Bridger. He was a loving and protective older brother to his younger sister. One day, while playing in the yard, a fierce German Shepherd appeared and threatened to harm Bridger’s sister. Without a second thought, Bridger sprang into action. He bravely stood between his sister and the aggressive dog, willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe. Despite being injured in the process, with 90 stitches on his face, Bridger remained strong and wise beyond his years. He humbly said, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.” Bridger’s incredible act of…