• Inspiring Stories

    Mature super cell thunderstorm

    In west Texas – USA , a storm chaser Laura Rowe captured this fantastic shot of a mature supercell thunderstorm , illuminated at varying heights by the setting sun. A phenomenon rare to occur. While chasing a tornado near the small town of Earth, Texas, earlier this week, amateur photographer Laura Rowe captured this enormous cloud filtered with pastel sunlight. The candy-colored mass swells above the dusky expanse in the midst of a thunderstorm, and as Kottke notes, the serendipitous shot evokes the saturated, trippy swirls in Milton Glaser’s 1966 poster of Bob Dylan. Prints are available on Rowe’s site.

  • Inspiring Stories

    Help Fix Young White Boy’s Broken Bicycle; Photo Goes Viral

    The good samaritan has been praised after coming out of his SUV and helping a boy fix his broken bicycle The man did not mind the rain as he spent about five minutes trying to help the white boy to fix his ride Rare of his kind, his good deed was lauded widely by many people on social who thanked him for his selflessness “I pulled up to the hardware store and watched this take place right in front of me. This guy sees two kids walking in the pouring rain while one is pushing his broken bicycle and he stops everything he is doing and spends 5 minutes getting…